Tired of 100500 steps for one simple API?

Meet NEST!

NEST is a plug-and-play


for mobile, web, and games.

Start with 3 lines of code and use

🗄️ Users, tokens, and projects

🌐 Generic CRUD APIs

🕵🏽‍♂️ Search by advanced filters

📁 File upload and image management

🦾 AI integrations

from nest import init, Item

n = init("<TOKEN>")

# save an item
    Item("Title", "MyType", {"key": "value"})

# list items

Backend API in 3 steps

step 1:

step 2:

step 3:

Backend for

NEST is a single point of integration for all your needs.

Focus on building your application, and we will take care of your infrastructure, security, and compliance.

NEST provides a fully managed cloud platform. We take care of all the underlying infrastructure, including servers, storage, and networking.

With NEST, you can focus on building your application and delivering value to your users. We will take care of the rest.

  • Make your web development about UI and UX, and we take care of API complexity. Save data, fetch them, and manage - all via dedicated API endpoints.

  • You focus on your mobile app development, and we take care of your backend needs - from file storage to AI-integrations. All via one simple API.

  • We can provide dedicated servers for high-load and low-latency backend features.

AppBaza is offering a special deal of 25% off!

AppBaza is offering a special deal of 25% off! ☆

Limited Early Access

NEST Backend as a Service (Early Access Plan)
Sale Price: €15.00 Original Price: €20.00

Get an early access to NEST Backend as a Service and unlock all features and dedicated support via email and Telegram.